United States Tariff Data

1972-1988 US Tariff Data


This file maps from MSIC industries to SIC industries

Data - Stata 
Data - Excel

This file contains:

  • TARIFF?? = each SIC (1972 code) industry the calculated tariff, for the year indicated by ??
  • RCUST?? = the real (1982 $) customs value of imports, for year ??
  • RCIF?? = the real (1982 $) CIF value of imports, for year ??
  • RDUTY?? = the real (1982 $) value of duties collected, for year ??
  • Description of Data 
  • Chris Magee
    Department of Economics
    Bucknell University
    Lewisburg, PA 17837
    E-mail: cmagee@bucknell.edu

    Included are two Stata files. One is conmsic.dta, which is the file I created to map from msic industries on the cd-rom to sic industries. I describe it more below. The second file is tariffs.dta, which contains, for each SIC (1972 code) industry the calculated tariff, the real (1982 $) value of duties collected, the real customs value of imports, and the real cif value of imports.

    I took the file SIC_MSIC.asc on the NBER disk to get a concordance between MSIC and SIC codes (1972 for both). If one MSIC industry mapped into two or more SIC industries(say sic1 and sic2), I created ratios:

    ratio1 = shipment value(SIC1)/(ship value(sic1)+ship value(sic2)) 
    ratio2 = shipment value(SIC2)/(ship value(sic1)+ship value(sic2)).

    The shipment values were taken from the Census of Manufactures, and I calculated separate ratios for each year. These ratios are on the file conmsic.sd2.

    I then summed imports (customs value) and duties paid by 1972 msic industries off the imp*.asc files on the NBER disk. I multiplied each of these by the ratios calculated above and then summed by 1972 sic industries. The average tariff in each sic industry is equal to 100*(duties/customs value of imports). I only did this for 1974 - 1988 (as I recall, for 1972 and 1973 the duties collected data was missing). I converted all nominal values to 1982 $ using the CPI for all urban consumers.

    One final note: One thing I noticed was that in 1977, many of the estimated tariffs fell precipitously from their 1976 levels and then rose back to the 1976 levels in 1978. On my data sets, I replaced the 1977 calculated tariff with the average of the 1976 and 1978 tariffs if the 1977 tariff fell to less than 1/5 of the 1976 level and then rose again to more than 5 times the 1977 level in 1978.

    Documentation of conmsic.dta: This file contains:

    msic72 = 1972 basis 4-digit import-based sic number 
    sic72 = 1972 basis 4-digit SIC number 
    ratio** = fraction of msic72 that maps into sic72 (defined above) in year **

    Documentation of tariffs.dta: This file contains:

    sic72 = 1972 based 4-digit SIC number 
    rduty** = total duties collected (in 1982 $) on imports in sic72 in year ** 
    rcust** = total customs value of imports (in 1982 $) in sic72 in year ** 
    rcif** = total cif value of imports (in 1982 $) in sic72 in year ** 
    tariff** = 100*rduty**/rcust** = average tariff in sic72 in year **

    rduty, rcust, rcif are all in millions of 1982 $.

    Provided by Chris Magee of the Department of Economics, Bucknell University


1989-2001 US Tariff Data

Available from two sources:


The Harmonized Sytem tariff data is available from John Romalis at the University of Chicago.


Duties collected by 1987-based SIC category are available from Peter Schott.


Working Paper

By dividing duties collected by the customs or dutiable value of imports, the tariff rates by SIC category can be computed.

Working Paper in PDF Format These sources for 1989-2001 tariff data are described in the working paper.


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