United States Import And Export Data

The U.S. import and export data have been assembled by Robert Feenstra of the Department of Economics, under a grant from the National Science Foundation to the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). It is available at a highly disaggregate level called the Harmonized System (HS). The disaggregate data can be downloaded from this site in three different versions: (i) the original data from U.S. Census, 1972-1988, which is further disaggregated by port of entry and mode of transport, but comes in ASCII files that are difficult for inexperienced researchers to use; (ii) the processed data that sums across U.S. ports and modes of transport, 1972-2001, as described in the NBER working papers cited below. These data are available as ASCII files, but are much easier to use than the raw data; (iii) the processed data, 1972-2006, as described in (ii), but available as SAS or STATA files. Version (i) should be used by researchers who need the extra detail of U.S. ports and mode of transport; version (ii) should be used by those who want to look at the ASCII files with a text editor, and quickly find the import or exports detail for particular commodities; version (iii) should be used by researchers who want to immediately analyze the data with SAS or STATA.

Disaggregate data has also been aggregated to the 4-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes, which match the U.S. output and employment data in the NBER Productivity Database. These import and exports flows by 4-digit SIC category can be downloaded for 1972-1994. The updated import and export SIC data to 2001 is discussed in NBER Working Paper #9387, which can be downloaded below. That paper also give links to U.S. tariff data.


Complete documentation for these data can be found in two working papers:

  • NBER Working Paper #5515 For Import Data
  • NBER Working Paper #5990 For Export Data
  • NBER Working Paper #9387 that updates both import and export data to 2001.


Click on the panels below to view the data and links to data zip files.